
Inefficient and inaccurate methods used to notify pharmacy and oncology nurses of patient arrival and communication to begin medication preparation.


Create MB group conversation to send notifications to all appropriate parties when oncology patients present for infusions.

When a patient arrives for a scheduled oncology or infusion appointment the pharmacy and nursing must be notified regarding current status and if any changes are required to the patient’s existing orders. With a daily volume of approximately 50 patients for oncology and another 50 patients for other infusions this occurs over 100 times per day and using the telephone to perform the notifications causes delays and is entirely disruptive to the message receivers. It is also very inefficient to have to notify each participant individually. Clean room staff, pharmacy staff, infusion center infusion nurses.

Using templated messaging initiation the hospital created a structured form that is completed for each patient at the time of their arrival into the department. The form notes patient condition and any changes or additions to the existing orders and is sent to all participants with a single microblog action.

Time savings of over 1 hour per day per pharmacy and nursing resource and marked improvement in patient satisfaction as verified in informal surveys.

About M2

M2 Information Systems, Inc. is based in the Seattle area and has been developing, installing and supporting hospital applications in the U.S. for 30+ years. M2 began developing PC based order management and resulting systems for hospitals in 1983. In the early 90’s they focused exclusively on clinical workflow applications for larger facilities. M2 developed the first hospital web-based clinical systems and has now coalesced that knowledge and experience into MicroBloggingMD (MBMD). Additional information is available at:

About MicroBloggingMD

MicroBloggingMD is a clinical event driven, mobile alert and messaging technology with intelligent and customizable decision support. Subscriptions are used to generate specifically configured messages for clinical events with suggested best practices or standards based responses. All information is processed and delivered via a secure, patented conduit to the centerpiece of the application, MicroBloggingMD. The microblog is accessible via most mobile devices, smart phones or tablets. Additional information is available at

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